
To see a Zambia with healthy citizens.


To contribute positively to efforts aimed at improving and sustaining health of the people through community and stakeholder engagement, sensitization and advocacy, training, care, support and research.


Our philosophy (belief) is that promotion of provision of primary healthcare services, training, sensitization, advocacy and research as well as care and support:-
a) Saves lives;
b) Improves physical, mental and social well-being;
c) Prevents diseases;
d) Encourages good health lifestyles;
e) Improves community hygiene standards;
f) Strengthens the healthcare systems;
g) improves quality of healthcare service delivery;
h) Cuts down on costs of health service provision; and
i) Enhances the integrity and reputation of service providers;


Being a community based and membership led NGO, the day-to-day governance of HCFZ is by the 10 member Board of Trustees (BOT) headed by the elected Board Chairman. Membership to HCFZ is voluntary and open to members of the public interested in offering voluntary community health services in their communities of residence. On the other hand, the national secretariat headed by the Executive Director, comprises management and staff.


The operations of HCFZ and more specifically, the conduct and behaviour of its leaders, members and staff are anchored and influenced by the following six (6) core values: